Stanley, N.C. – King’s Daughters Ministry has been given the use of another shelter home in Gaston County for the next 3+ years for up to eight residents! This home is now available as part of our programs to help hurting women and their children.
“We’re thrilled to announce that, through a partnership with a local church, our safe shelter program has expanded to a larger home, allowing us to accommodate up to eight residents at a time.” said Sheryl Dorsey, CEO and President. “We expect to repurpose our current shelter home into a transition home for up to six residents where KDM program graduates and others who have completed a comparable programs can continue their journey to new beginnings -- free of drug addiction, violent relationships and homelessness.”
While the location of the new shelter home remains unpublished for security reasons, it is located in Gaston County.
Women may apply for our programs by visiting our Programs Page or call our office at 704-263-4204. “Our graduates are given the opportunity to move forward with productive lives, good jobs and with healing from past traumas. ”The need for recovery services is increasing, and the new shelter home almost doubles the capacity of existing programs provided by the King’s Daughters Ministry.
King’s Daughters Ministry was founded in 2011 and is located in Stanley, N.C. The King’s Daughters Ministry is a 501c3 non-profit organization providing 24-hour supervised shelter, food, clothing and other practical support; mental health counseling; healing activities; biblical and practical education; transportation to appointments and advocacy for meeting DSS and court mandates. In addition, the King’s Daughters Ministry supports the wider community by providing referral resources, hosting community seminars and facilitating support groups.